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This is one of my mottoes.
Welcome to you, I am Charlotte,
Clinical Neuropsychologist

The therapy I offer is Integral:
- integrating different models,
- coming from western and eastern cultures,
- valuing the various areas of our life:
physiological, cognitive, emotional, social, spiritual, existential

Core values guiding my practice:
- Awareness

Spoken languages:
- English
- English

Approaches and tools:
- Specialized in Post-Traumatic State Disorder (PTSD) and Eating disorders (ED)
- CBT: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique
- EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
- Mindfulness practices
- Mediation/Conflict Resolution: Non-violent communication, Restorative circles facilitation
- ACT: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Education :
- Master's degree in Cognitive and Clinical Neuropsychology - France
- Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR) - France
- Post-graduation: University Diploma "Medicine, Meditation and Neurosciences" - France
- Yoga Teacher Training Certification - India
- Human Element course - France
- Watsu (aquatic therapy) training - India
- Ayruvedic Birenda Massage training - India

- Cranio-sacral therapy training - India

- Restorative circles/Conflict resolution/Mediation training - India  

- Integral Sound Studies and Practices course - India

Experience :
As a psychologist and holistic therapist:
- Research and Clinical work in rehabilitation centers, psychiatry and neurology wards in France
- Lately in a Center of Psychological Development and Support in South-India

- Within A Garden of Light: online and face-to-face
As a health's and balance's seeker:
- Followed different therapies and received various forms of healing sessions, collectively and individually (craniosacral, reiki, EMDR, Ayahuasca, CBT, Women circles...)
- Traveled the world alone, interviewing teachers, farmers, doctors and healers about health

After a first appointment,
we discuss together the modalities of the therapy:

frequency, length, intentions


60 € per session

Money should not be an obstacle,

so contact us if needed

Intention :
My intention is
to offer presence
through tools, experience, and holistic inside-out perspectives
to accompany people who are suffering
navigate their recovery,
towards the rediscovery
of their inner healing power
and their innate completeness


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